Ministry of Commerce partnering with GIZ to support the ASEAN Integration

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On September 28, 2016, at Sunway Hotel, H.E. PAN Sorasak, Minister of Commerce, attended the Signing Ceremony on Agreed Minutes and National Kick-Off Workshop for GIZ Project to support the initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) within the Framework of the ASEAN Single Market, which co-organized by the Ministry of Commerce and the GIZ.

Speaking at the ceremony, H.E. PAN Sorasak mentioned the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the ASEAN Community Blueprint 2025, and the cooperation purpose between ASEAN and Germany. Excellency Minister said the support to IAI has 6 million EUR of its budget and will be implemented in Cambodia, LAOs, Myanmar, and Vietnam for a period until June 2018. “Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia will act as focal point in the project, but the main beneficiaries are the ministries of tourism and health because the support under this project focuses on these two sectors,” said H.E. Sorasak.

The today workshops will provide an opportunity to relevant ministries to discuss and exchange ideas in order to identify the challenges and find out proper solutions for preparing the project proposal to submit to the GIZ. The IAI project provides the support to the Integration of ASEAN within the framework of the ASEAN single market by enabling the free(er) flow of services, investment and qualified labor within the region. It also supports implementing and utilizing ASEAN agreement in trade services (AFAS) and investment (ACIA) as well as ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRAs), which aims at enhancing work force skills and qualifications and service delivery to promote the mobility of skilled labor, with a focus on tourism and heath care sector.

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