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ក្រសួងការងារ និងបណ្តុះបណ្តាលវិជ្ជាជីវៈ
លេខៈ ១១០/២៣ ក.ប/ស.ណ.ន.ម.ហ ចុះថ្ងៃទី២៨ ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០២៣
ការផ្ដល់បណ្ណការងារជនបរទេសសម្រាប់និយោជកជាជនបរទេស ។
Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training
No.110/23 KB/SNNMH dated December 28, 2023
Issuance Foreigner Work Permit for Employer as Foreigner.
編碼: 110/23於2023年12月28日發布
According to Labour Law and Prakas No. 195 K.B/BrK dated 20 August 2014 on Work permit and Work book for foreigner, Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training would like to instruct owner or director of enterprise institution to implement as below:
l. Foreigner as employer who has the name in Patent shall have foreigner work permit. This application on foreign work permits shall be implemented through the website by attach documents as following:
a. Correct Passport
b. Latest of Patent
c. Physical Examination Cenificate
d. Photo 4×6 cm
2. Foreigners as employers who stand as a name in Patent or as Self-employed shall have
work permit and work book for foreigners.
3. Foreigner as a shareholder and board of director in company’s status who does not have
A residence visa in Cambodia is not required to have a foreign work permit.
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training strongly hope that the owner or director of an enterprise institution will implement this instruction effectivity.

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