
e-Commerce License

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The Ministry of Commerce is honored to inform Enterprises, Legal Entities and All foreign subsidiaries that in accordance with the E-Commerce Law, Sub-Decree on Determining the Types, Procedures for Issuing Licenses to Intermediaries and Individuals providing e-commerce services and exemptions and proclamation No. 290 Dated 09 October 2020 on the issuance of e-Commerce licenses required Enterprises, Legal Entities and Branches of Foreign companies trading e-Commerce must apply for an electronic business license or license at the Business Registration Department Of the General Department of Commercial Services of the Ministry of Commerce.

After the law, sub-decree and announcement of the Ministry of Commerce announced the implementation of the Ministry of Commerce has already organized several outreach workshops. For the implementation of laws, sub-decrees and declarations such as the above information has been implemented with high efficiency. The Ministry of Commerce would like to remind all sole proprietorships, legal entities and branches of foreign companies apply for licenses or licenses e-Commerce at the Business Registration Department from the date of this notice. Applicants can apply directly at the Business Registration Department, General Department of Trade Support Services of the Ministry of Commerce or through the website www.ecommercelicensing.moc.gov.kh.

In the case of individuals, sole proprietors, legal entities and branches of foreign companies operating e-Commerce without license will be terminated and penalty as stated in laws in force.

[wonderplugin_pdf src=”https://commerce-cambodia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/decree-1342020.pdf” width=”100%” height=”600px” style=”border:0;”]

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